Huwebes, Oktubre 20, 2011


Deciphering such a word known to every people all over the world sounds really a big thing from God Almighty, Life !! Commonly heard easy to spell, easy to understand, that’s the word of life! But one thing that man does not know much about this word is that it is not succinct , it can’t be defined in just a word . It’s definition relies on the perspective of us people who tries to comprehend it deeper through his own ways, and that what we finds out for himself is considered retified and unquestionable. For life is how one sees it to be like.
Life is a thing that makes me experience few precious matters. It’s life! , that like a ray of sunshine does not always mean happiness nor a drop of rain mean total loneliness . We have
sometimes regrets, failures and sadness that sometimes were lost and perceived negative aspects in life and happiness which people is always wanting for. But that’s life ! And that makes me believe that “ LIFE IS THE GREATEST GIFT OF GOD” It seems totally true .It’s because life is truly the greatest gift from Heavenly God. Without it all the things that we have is just nothing .
I’m very thankful that I’m one of God’s creation . And in order for me to be thankful, I must have to do things good. And taking care of his precious gift; life by having a healthy lifestyle.
Each experience in our life is vital to our growth as human . And a good model to everyone . Every life in this world is written by God’s own dear hands .That’s why I’m thankful because as he wrote my life He included my special someone.

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